Our Information, Advice & Advocacy Service can help people with a learning disability and parents and informal carers. We help with accessing social care, welfare benefits, planning for the future, and much more!
We offer 1-1 help, workshops and larger information events so you can get support in the way that works best for you.
Case study of work done and ongoing with Jacinda
Casework: What differences are we making for people with a learning disability and their families?
This year we helped Sarah request a new Care Act assessment. This identified that her supported living accommodation wasn’t suitable for her needs, and she was allocated a beautiful new supported living flat which she is delighted with!
Sarah has also been busy this year delivering training to medical professionals, having her say with the local council about accessibility issues and speaking at our events and workshops. Sarah is now keen to get a full-time job. She is a great example of how the people we support grow and develop and give back to the community as a result!
Our Information, Advice & Advocacy Service works in different ways to make sure people with a learning disability get the help and support they need, and to access their rights in ways that work for them.
Read Sarah’s story or watch Jacinda’s video to find out how our casework support helped them.
Our self-advocates work with local services to advise and co-produce, as well as on some national campaigns, to make things better for people with a learning disability here on the Wirral.
(Here you can see some of them at the Houses of Parliament with national Mencap.)

Casework: We asked, "What changed for you or your family as a result of our support? What made you happy or unhappy?"
- Reliable, true to her word and gave us confidence. The Blue Badge was awarded after a 5-month hiatus.
- E now living in a bungalow. Very happy. Great support, complaint against Adult Social Services was upheld. I could not have coped without Wirral Mencap’s help both with complaint and with getting housing for E.
- Successful in Blue Badge application. No longer have to use mother and child spaces. The badge means I can park right outside college. I feel less stressed.
- C now more independent – has transport to college. Mum’s benefits all sorted. Mum has Lasting Power of Attorney
- Helped me get a support worker who helped with paperwork to access social housing.
- Helped with DLA. A great help with the paperwork.
- Been awarded higher rate mobility for 7 years